Lifting circularity to the next level

To ensure the high quality and safety of our products, Trotec invests heavily in innovation. Every year, we spend 20 per cent of turnover on research and development. We follow the latest technologies and are committed to continuously improving production processes. Innovation is thus an important pillar of our organisation.

Recently, the Trotecxpertcenter was established, an internal research and innovation center complemented by external experts and knowledge centers. As an R&D hub, it focuses on the development of new, innovative circular ingredients and associated production processes. Here we develop the ingredients of the future, to contribute to a more sustainable, efficient and future-proof production chain. 

This is what innovation means to us:

  • Digitisation of our production and quality processing
  • Continuous process of knowledge acquisition by our employees through training courses
  • Development of new control processes and systems using AI

We join forces with different centres of expertise and universities to identify the best applications for by-products. Our focus is on animal feed, but energy and chemicals are also in scope. One such innovation is MéthaBoost®, which stimulates the microbiology used in fermentation flows.

Want to know more about our innovation culture and how it helps us make a difference for you?